Hola from Valencia, Spain! I am in my second week here, and I'm absolutely loving it. I have missed a lot of blogging, so I will just describe everything for you guys. :) We greet each other here with two kisses, which in my opinion is much sweeter than a handshake. Orange trees overwhelm the entire city, and even line the major roads. Valencians are very big on their fruit - I'm practically eating fruit all day long. The fashion in Spain is much more formal than in the states..you rarely see people dressed down. Outfits consist of a leather jacket, vintage/classy accessories, and high boots. So in a nutshell, sweatpants and tennis shoes are not acceptable attire for class.
My absolute favorite place in Valencia is La Plaza de la Virgen (Plaza of the Virgin). In the middle, there is a peaceful fountation that is always covered in pigeons. I could honestly sit in this plaza all day long, eating churros con chocolate, and people watching. Not too bad, huh?
This is my home - the Rector Peset, where my daily siestas occur. The dorm is really nice..we have maid service everyday! A sweet lady comes in our room everyday to make our beds and clean our bathrooms. We're definitely being spoiled.
The classes I'm taking here are very helpful, but it doesn't take up too much of my exploring time. :) I have a total of 4 classes - 1 every Monday and Wednesday, 3 every Tuesday and Thursday. No Friday classes!! My instructors are really laid back, and are more concerned with our learning than our grades.
The other day, we climbed the tower of the Basilica and overlooked the entire city. We could see the decorated rooftops of the surrounding buildings - it was really breathtaking. I'm going to have to go back a couple more times during my stay.
Before arriving in Valencia, we all took a day trip to Toledo, Spain. We got lost several times because the entire city is a complex maze! Cars zoomed past us in the tiny alley ways between buildings, and I was almost run over a couple of times. I enjoyed being there and sight-seeing!
I still have much more to catch you up on, so I will try to post another blog tonight! Adios chicos!